Learn About ISO20022

What is ISO20022?

ISO20022 is a global standard for financial messaging that provides the financial industry with a common platform for developing messages in a standardized XML syntax. It's designed to ingest and process payments data. There are three types of ISO20022 messages relevant to payments: PAIN, CAMT.053, and CAMT.052.

  • PAIN (Payment Initiation): Payment Initiation Messages are used to initiate payments from one party to another.
  • CAMT.053 (Bank to Customer Statement): Bank to Customer Statement Messages are used to send end of day statements of account to a customer.
  • CAMT.052 (Bank to Customer Account Report): Bank to Customer Account Report Messages are used to send intraday report of account activity to a customer.

Cash Management (CAMT.053)

Cash Management files contain balances and transaction data from a customer's account. Read more about CAMT files here.

ISO20022 Pro allows users of CAMT files to ingest and process payments data directly in Excel. Simply upload your CAMT file using the plugin and let the us do the rest.